Monday, May 09, 2005

Wasaga Beach!

Road trip for Mothers' Day.

Oh well, my parents seemed to enjoy it anyway.

So there we were at Collingwood, (grassy green)Blue Mountain and Wasaga Beach.

After passing the "Notawasaga River" we arrived at Wasaga Beach. Beach 5 -closed, 4 -same, 3 -OPEN! Yes!

What should I do? Take off my clothes and get tanned, right?

With my mom still clutching on her jacket, I didn't think so.

There I was in long sleeve shirt, while some young ladies sun-bathed in their thong bikinis. Weird.

There was some logic, I guess. Being a sunny day, the radiation was high enough to heat you up if your skin gets the rays. However, if you were covered like me, then all you get was the cool breeze.

Perhaps someone should try skiing in bikini someday. ;)

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