Monday, August 17, 2009


This is an old song, which I heard to day in a fund raising performance in Hong Kong for the Taiwan disaster.
A very nice song, indeed.



葉:MY FRIEND 今天你如何
從不懂解釋我為何 在你友愛內尋到火
年頭匆匆的飄過 甜苦都許多
風波雖各自去闖 而兩心未分過
甚慶幸 又再逢 就算離開過

陳:琴聲跟心聲同行 彈出一首如火的愛歌
原因心中一個良朋 共我再見面和我歌
年頭匆匆的飄過 甜苦都許多

風波雖各自去闖 而兩心未分過
合︰伴我行 是友誼 是太陽千個

合:真開心可跟你對望 內心閃出光
若然開心哭了 請你原諒
明天不管將會如何 晴天陰天仍高歌這歌
從不懂解釋我為何 在你友愛內尋到火

葉:年頭匆匆的飄過 甜苦都許多
陳:風波雖各自去闖 而兩心未分過
合:伴我行 是友誼 熱我心 是你一個
無人可 吹得熄 火太陽千個

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Suddenly "Rare"

About 7 months ago, I made the switch to Apple. The then new 13" Aluminum Macbook caught me. I have been enjoying it ever since. I feel a bit special, as do most other mac users, I guess. We are, well, different. Mac OS has been great, everything works well. The duo boot feature also allow me to see how much does Windows suck. Of course, the fact that it is an Apple tuned computer does make it a bit biased.

A few days ago, however, I realize how even more special I am. I am one of the group who own the "rare" 13" Aluminum MacBook! Why? Cause Apple decided to rebrand them as Macbook Pro! The new "Pro" gets the larger capacity, non-removable battery and Firewire 800 port. Other than that, it's the same as the "Macbook" I have.

So that makes me more special! I guess I should be happy.