Monday, October 16, 2006

The grass is greener on the other side

It's about time. The evaluations of my job performance, both internal and external, are coming.
It's also time when I look back and evaulation what I have been doing for the past 1.5 months.
Priorities changed. Time managment changed. Sometimes, I just can't believe that it has been that long. "I should be glad that I have a job", I tell myself. "Don't think too much. Just do it." That's what I did. More or less.

Somethings worked out okay. Some didn't. Some tough choices to make. What do I value more? Career (especially one that I may not stay for long)? My relationship with others (who may stay with me longer)? Do I have to make this compromise? Can I juggle all these balls? Here lies the challenge.

A wise person reminded me today. "The grass is greener on the other side" when evaluting my career paths. It's important not to fool myself. True, but should I give up evaluating?

2 Months

It has been that long again since I blogged.

Why? A lot have happened. So much that I am having difficulty handling them all.

Am I doing the right things? Am I thinking too much?

Am I the only one involved in my decisions now?

Which is more important? A job? A possible alternate career? A girlfriend?

Trust my instincts? My guesses were almost all correct. So predictable that perhaps I WAS thinking too much.

I need to spice up my life, or I may go crazy soon.