Saturday, January 28, 2006





因此 請大家消消火,



都真心 希望大家開心!!

祝福大家在新的一年 裡百尺竿頭!


Got the following from a treasured friend of mine. She shares the same view. It put a smile on my face. Yeah! Good for you, Bitch!


When I stand up for myself and my beliefs,
they call me a bitch.

When I stand up for those I love,
they call me a bitch.

When I speak my mind, think my own thoughts or do things my own way,
they call me a bitch.

Being a bitch means I won't compromise what's in my heart.

It means I live my life MY way.

It means I won't allow anyone to step on me.

When I refuse to tolerate injustice and speak against it,
I am defined as a bitch.

The same thing happens when I take time for myself instead of being everyone's maid, or when I act a little selfish.

It means I have the courage and strength to allow myself to be who I truly am and won't become anyone else's idea of what they think I "should" be.

I'm outspoken, opinionated and determined.
I want what I want and there is nothing wrong with that!

So try to stomp on me, try to douse my inner flame, try to squash every ounce of beauty I hold within me.

You won't succeed.
And if that makes me a bitch, so be it.

I embrace the title and am proud to bear it.

B - Babe
I - In
T - Total
C - Control of
H - Herself

B = Beautiful
I = Intelligent
T = Talented
C = Charming
H = Hell of a Woman

B = Beautiful
I = Individual
T = That
C = Can
H = Handle anything

"If you can't do something right, get a woman to do it."

Thursday, January 26, 2006


十點五在大圍落巴士,由大埔墟出來有點肚餓,經過一間叫「食神」嘅茶餐廳見例個牌寫住「宵夜特價﹕豉油王抄河 $10 下午十時半開始 售完即止」。心想﹕「應該有掛」,便走進去向伙記問有冇。點知佢話﹕「十蚊嗰隻就冇,三十蚊就有」,我話﹕「乜唔係十點半問始咩?而且先十點半!」,佢話﹕「時有時冇」

原來我嘅中文差到咁,連 售完即止=時有時冇=揾笨都吹佢唔漲 都唔知!

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

husband vs. lover vs. boyfriend

From Kelvin's blog: Just thought I should share it with you.

老公 vs 情人 vs 男友

" 男人喜歡把女人分類,嚷著情人和老婆是大不同的,在情人的挑選上,總是不外乎要漂亮、有話題、學識豐富…;老婆的條件上,總是居家、節省、最好還會燒一手好菜…。想婚的女人,總是不停的檢示著自己,哪點還沒做足?那點還需要補強加分…,有著一條條做『好老婆』的自我約束….


-Source Unknown-

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Look at the brighter side

Just finished a 5 hour scout leaders' meeting.

We were preparing assessment reports for our scouts.

Our scheme was : Strengths, Weaknesses and remarks.

Trying to look for complements to support some of our scouts was a tough process. However, it was worth it. It simply made us feel better by reminding us to appreciate their strengths. I guess we just needed to be reminded our how great kids they are.

Same could be said with the some other people in my life. I guess I just have to be reminded how great they are. I should look past their weaknesses and deep inside them.

Thursday, January 05, 2006


Bonjour madame et monsieur !
Je suis étudiant en Français.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Welcome to 2006

This year's celebration is certainly much less enjoyable for me than last year's, as M_whiz would agree.

Last year's great start had me ended up with not a great year.

This year's was still better than I expected though.
I just hope that this year will be just that... better than I expected.

Welcome to the New Year, everyone!

Good Luck. Take Care.