Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Watermelon Bowling

with a twist.

I saw an interesting game today.

People divide into groups. They are given a watermelon and was told to break it without tools and eat the red parts. After that, they have to rebuild the melon using only toothpicks and tapes. Finally, they use the melons or whatever part of them they can rebuild for bowling. The goal is to hit the pins in one piece and fall all of them.

It's just hilarious.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

i scouter

Picked a troop. Joined. Wait and see. Kids seem fun for now.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Thank you, Zhou Hall

With 4.5 years in student residences, I thought I have seen it all. Now I know what's great programming.

Today is the last of the four halls to have spirits gatherings. After long series of fun activities, formal dinners and games, it's Zhou Hall's time to have fun in the plaza.

I missed out their actions, but, today, Zhou Hall let me feel their joy and energy.

Some 100 people learn and did group dances and cheers! Fun moves and cheers got them all sweaty, but energy level remained high late into the night. I can actually see that each and everyone of them wanted more, and this in only the fifth day in rez.

I kept an ear to ear smile all the time watching them.
"Hong Kong, city of life". True, very very true.

Saturday, September 03, 2005


I managed to meet a group of scouts today. It's a small group, less structured, but great close group. On the other hand, my previous group leader has been asking me to rejoin my old group. It's big, structured, but rather monotone.

What should I do? The small tight group has diversity and care, especially with girl scouts in their group. The large group has unity and traditions allowing me to slowly blend in with out paying much individual effort.

They have conflicting schedules, so I can't go to both.

Decisions, decisions, decisions, all over again.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

T minus one day.

Starting school tomorrow. Last minute dashes for supplies. I guess i can say I already settled down enough. The day is a little more clear today. I just realize that I can actually see the HK island from here. Not bad.