Monday, August 29, 2005

Cousin's girlfriend

Met her in the last few days. Great gal. No wonder my cousin loves her dearly.

I am so happy for him, which leaves me with a great craving for one... hum...

St. Teresa's Church

I haven't been to this church for a long time.

The echos from the singing of over a thousand people just energized me. For some reason I felt that I want to cry. Perhaps it's like a thousand people telling me that I am not alone.

Friday, August 26, 2005


16 hours later, I am no longer at "T."
H.K. is pretty much what I had expected. Even the little cold I got this morning was expected as well.

I managed to get up at 6am everyday now. Let's see how long this would last.

There are three things here I found interesting.

1) No pay phones. Get a cellphone, dude!
2) Somehow people managed not to be rude but efficient as the same time.
3) Banks have no line ups, take a number, have a seat!
4) You can do live without a driver's licence, but you are handicapped without an "Octopus" card.

More about this later.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

57 hours to go

The farewell party was great.

A great turn out. I am going to miss them all.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

less than a week

I am really starting to miss everyone.

A chat with special person flicked my emotional switch somehow, despite that fact that we were just talking about daily chores. I guess she really is that special.

There is another person that I am worrying about. I hope I will be able to reach her before I leave.

My "to do list" has gotten even longer. A little stressed at the moment.

Yes, stressed again. I think I should get rid of this "addiction" somehow.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

2 weeks to go

and many things to do. I was busy the last time I moved, but this is ridiculous. Oh well. It's for the better, I guess.

Trying to squeeze different farewell gatherings into my no-much-free-nights schedule is just plain crazy.

I am gonna miss them all.

Things to do:
Studying... yes, still studying.
Sorting... through years of junks.
Planning... what I need over there.
Packing... yes, then repacking to fit the limit.
Hugging... my dear friends.

Hope I can manage them all.